About Us
Kerala University College Teachers Education, Kumarapuram
The University of Kerala decided to start B.Ed. Centres under its direct control in the year 1990; and the Government agreed to the proposal for starting B.Ed. Centres at four places, viz Alappuzha, Adoor, Kollam and Thiruvananthapuram. The Kerala University College of Teacher Education, primarily known as Kerala University Centre of Teacher Education at Thiruvananthapuram was started in the campus of Govt. Girl’s High School, Barton-Hill on 9th October 1990. This new temple of knowledge was inaugurated by Sri. K. Chandrasekharan, Hon’ble Minister of Education.
At the beginning, the strength of the centre was 307. There were nine lecturers including the Director Dr.R.Sukumaran Nair. Under the powerful control and worth while guidance of the eminent educator, the institution flourished. He was succeeded by Dr.K.Sukumaran (2-11-92 to 30-09-94) and then by Dr.J.Gourikutty Amma (18-11.94 to 31-10-97), Prof.C.K.Lily (05-11-97 to 02-12-2003) served as Director of the institution and then on 03-12-2003 to 29-04-2011) as Principal, Smt.Beena.O (Lecturer in Malayalam) served as Principal-in-charge on (30-04-2011 to 31-05-2012), Prof.K.Jacob Mathew served as Principal on 01-06-2012 to 15-10-2013 and then Dr.M.Vijayakumari Amma took charge as Principal on 15-10-2013 and is continuing..
The Centre functioned successfully for nine academic years at Barton Hill, Thiruvananthapuram. In December 2000, the Centre was shifted to Govt. Medical College, Higher Secondary School Campus, Kumarapuram, due to the Government decision to establish an Engineering College in the premises of the Govt. Girl’s High School, Barton Hill. The Director Prof.C.K.Lily, succeed in getting financial and from MP’sLAD fund of Sri.J.Chitharanjan (Member Rajya Sabha), and using the allotted amount of Rs.10 lakhs, the ground floor of the Administrative Block was constructed. And the first floor of this building was constructed using the financial aid from MP’sLAD fund of the late Sri.P.K.Vasudevan Nair.
The outstanding achievements of academic excellence of this college are highly remarkable. Students of this college have won consequent first ranks for five years in the University examinations. Every year a set of well trained students come out of this college with triumphant colours. In extra curricular activities also this college always presents admirable performance. The team work of the principal, teaching staff and the non-teaching staff is a source of inspiration to the students to fulfill their scoring ambition.

We believe that the central task of education is to implant a will for learning; and it should produce not learned people. The truly human society is a learning society, where grand parents and children are students together. The purpose of education is to teach a student how to live a life by developing his mind and equipping him to deal with reality. He has to be taught the essentials of the knowledge discovered in the past and he has to be equipped to acquire further knowledge by his own effort.
Motto – “Quality Education for Life”
Because quality is never an evident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere efforts, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
Rank Holders in University Examinations
- Sumithra Devi .S
Natural Science
Marks: 761
University First Rank - Sangeetha U.I
Natural Science
Marks: 756
University Second Rank
- Lekha P Nair
Natural Science
Marks: 782
University First Rank - Renjini UB
Natural Science
Marks: 770
University Second Rank
- Vijayalekshmi T
Natural Science
Marks: 778
University First Rank - Sangeetha N R
Home Science
Marks: 762
University Third Rank
- Raseena.S
Natural Science
Marks: 876
University First Rank
- Kavitha Govindan
Natural Science
Marks: 848
University First Rank - Sapna.O.P
Marks: 846
University Second Rank - Salini.S
Natural Science
Marks: 845
University Third Rank - Neeradha. CK
Marks: 851
University First Rank (Revalution)
- Sapna. S
Natural Science
University First Rank